Wednesday, 16 April 2008


Today I had a talk with the people organising the training for P&O cruises. I recently cross the English Channel on one of their ferry and the service was absolutely brilliant. The staff was both relaxed and helpful and it was as if they were sharing a special experience with us passengers (yes, I love boats).

So I wanted to know how the company managed to motivate their people so well. The gentleman I talked to at P&O told me how their efforts to better their customer service led them to reform their management style – knowing that they wouldn’t change frontline staff attitude and leave the rest untouched.

He pointed me to Fish, the training programme that helped them do just that. I though I never heard that name before (most Human Resources publications send me to sleep in about 3 seconds) but I remember now that Cathy Rose Salit, a fellow improviser from New York, mentioned them to me.

Fish looks very interesting (went on their website and got the book), and some of their key principles remind me of what we are doing at imprology with the Far Games, although they only mention improvisation once on their website. Anyone out there with first hand experience with Fish willing to share the knowledge?

Picture credit: wikimedia

1 comment:

Louie Christie said...

The FISH! training program grew out of a short video about Seattle's world-famous Pike Place Fish Market.

The video is very good. I've seen it twice now. I saw it in a corporate training session at my old job in American Express and also in company I worked for before that.

The guys who work at the Fish Market play around with each other - and their customers. They are improvising but it's described as 'play' in the video.

Pretty much everyone who watched the video with me was motivated by it. Unfortunately at $800 a copy it's too expensive for home viewing but there is a good trailer here though:

They didn't use the additional training materials (books, etc) on the courses I went to so I don't know if they are any good.